The SolarPunk bus

Infographic of the climate positive bus - Urbanika.png

🎯 Our goal is to seed the emergence of peer governed circular-economy based smart cities. Our approach is a two-fold:

1) Build a #circulareconomy showroom of what a completely climate positive house looks like. All this within a bus 🚌 . The goal here is to ease the adoption of these regen tech through taking urban decision makers into experiencing things like:

You can find all the architectural plans on our GitHub repo. They’ve been brought to open knowledge thanks to hundreds of donors from all around the world and the collaboration of an amazing team of architects known as 9 Viento.

Some renders and photos of the bus are available below, however, we encourage you to follow us in our mainstream social media (X and Instagram) as there, we are constantly updating about the progress and challenges we face.



Making the SolarPunk bus happen - stories

Our essential Eco-Technologies and Where to Find Them

Proceso del Portafolio de Ecotecnias

2) Carry on a 5-year long research on the process that it takes to turn neighborhoods into DAOs (decentralized autonomous organizations) that employ urban commoning and circular economy practices. The research follows a constructive design approach, which means that instructional videos and manuals are co-created, along with software and IRL interfaces to facilitate polycentric neighborhood governance. The research will be carried out within at least 20 cities of 7 LatAm countries.

The research paper is being written and the software interfaces, data collected, and final paper will be uploaded on this GitHub repo.

The PostCapitalist ontoshift